Juan Roig (Palma, 1968)
Graphic designer and cultural manager. In 2002 he began to work at the “Casal Solleric” as curator of retrospective exhibitions dedicated to comics and illustration (together with Florentino Flórez un 2009), including those dedicated to Ana Juan, Cor i Foscor, Fernando Vicente, Universos, y Mordillo …que veinte años no es nada” and Bartolomé Seguí, Interseccions.
Roig curated the trilogy of exhibitions Herois, Mar de Fons and Trànsits, promoted by the “Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics”, which brought together main comic artists of the Balearic Island and were showed at the “Barcelona Comic Fair” (2013 to 2015).
Together with Sònia Delgado, he was responsible for the collaboration of the “Clúster de Còmic i Nous Media de Mallorca” in the permanent exhibitions of Es Baluard, Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma (“Carte Blanche” at the “Còmic Nostrum 2014”) and the “Museu Diocesà de Mallorca” (“Apòcrifs”, “El Diocesà Il·lustrat”).
As part of the graphic design and communication studio, “Verbigrafía” (of which he is a partner), Roig has repeatedly been in charge of all the graphic design of the CòmicNostrum Festival. As an illustrator, he carries out all kinds of advertising commissions, including his collaboration with the “Respiralia Foundation” which in 2017 published the illustrated children’s picture book “Respiralio y el Oso Azul”.
From time to time he paints, which is what he really likes, thanks to which he won the Premi Ciutat de Palma in the category of stimulating artistic activities in 1992.