Tomeu Pinya Oliver (Palma, 1982)
Pinya is a comic book artist and scriptwriter
He has published (among others), Un Pueblo Blanco: el bar del barbudo (Planeta, 2009), which won the “Revelation Authior Popular Award” of the “Saló del Còmic de Barcelona”, and La marea de San Pedro (Astiberri, 2010), nominated for best script at the “Expocómic” in Madrid.
He coordinated the collective publication Yes, We Camp! (Dibbuks, 2011) about the 15-M movement and also drew Adaptación (Ed. De Ponent, 2013) with a script by Josep Busquet.
His latest work was the adaptation of the renowned novel La Catedral del Mar, by Ildefonso Falcones (Random House 2018), with script by Pilar Alonso.