Flavia Gargiulo (Madrid 1983)
Since 2010 Flavia Gargiulo has been practising risk sports as a way of life, graphic design, illustration and comics! That’s why it’s easier to define herself as a cartoonist. A woman committed to her work, her communicative potential and a vision of the world is a little more feminine than the usual, surreal and, why not?… Funny!
Flavia studied History of Art for a few years at College before studying Illustration. Her professional career spans from editorial illustration, scientific collaboration (through art) to comics. Her art is characterized by her particular use of colour and detail that represent daily life which always has all the answers!
Since 2017 she has been part of a creative team of planettuna.com which is a platform for scientific promotion.
Some published works:
Les Maleïdes (graphic novel, Editorial Dolmen, 2023), Tanmateix la màgia, (graphic novel, Disset Edició 2022), Les portes del mar. Un recorregut pels ports d’interès general de les Illes Balears (informative choral book, Autoritat portuaria de les Illes Balears, 2020), El terror de las nenas, (collection of short stories, Disset Edició, 2018).