Sebastià Cabot (Palma, 1981)
Illustrator and Comic Author born in Palma (Mallorca, Spain) in 1981. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts by the University of Barcelona, with an Erasmus Schoolarship in the Fine Arts Academy “Pietro Vanucci” in Perugia (Italy). His early years are mostly dedicated to visual arts, participating in some exhibitions and contemporary art open calls.
In 2013, he published his first graphic novel and since 2016 he is fully dedicated to the illustration and comics field. He has published graphic novels, picture books, illustated books, text books, comic strips and he has collaborated with several publishers and institutions. Some of his books have been translated to several languajes and he has been invited to many international comic festivals.
He currently lives in Mallorca and he continues to work on new projects.
Clients & collaborations:
Grupo Edelvives, Editorial Empúries (Grupo Planeta), Editorial Teide, Televisió de Catalunya, Editorial Difusión, La Directa (journalistic magazine), Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics,Tendencias del Mercado del Arte (art magazine), Ajuntament de Palma,Capçalera (journalistic magazine), Calambur Editorial, Aguait.cat, Morlanda (literary magazine), Amigo Comics, Edicions del Despropòsit.
- Lola, the Girl who Loved the Sea (in Arabic), Beirut, Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc. 2023.
- Chat noir, nuit blanche, Rennes, Editions l’Oeuf, 2022.
- Lola, la nena que estimava la mar, Palma, Disset Edició, 2020.
- Listopad, Warsaw, Timof comics, 2019.
- Laura e Lucas descubrem Manet, Folha de São Paulo, 2019.
- Novembre, Rennes, Editions l’Oeuf, 2018.
- Novembro, Lisboa, Levoir, 2018.
- Perros y clarinetes, Barcelona, Ediciones La Cúpula, 2013.
Awards and recognitions:
2022: Awarded with a Literary Creation Grant by “Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics” for the illustrated book L’estiu de les sardines (The Summer of the Sardines)
Awarded with a Literary Creation Grant by the “Dirección General del Libro y Fomento de la Cultura (Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes)” for the comic El ladrón de cadáveres (The Body Snatcher).
2020: Merit Award at the iJungle Illustration Awards 2020 (Self-Promotion entry).
2011: Special Mention at the IV “Fnac-Sins Entido” International Graphic Novel Contest for Perros y clarinetes.