Bartolomé Seguí (Palma, 1962)

Comic book artist and illustrator.

Bartolomé Seguí began his professional career in the 80’s, collaborating in a range of very different magazines such as El Víbora, Cairo, El Jueves and Madriz.

Winner of the “National Comic Award” in 2009 together with Felipe H. Cava for Las serpientes ciegas.

Winner of the “Ciutat de Palma de Còmic 2010” with Gabi Beltrán for Historias del barrio.

With scripts written by Hernán Migoya, he adapted Manuel Vazquez´s comic book character the detective  ch Pepe Carvalho into his  books, Tatuaje (2017), La soledad del manager (2019), and Los mares del sur (2021).

Boomers is his latest work to date, published this year (2023) by Salamandra Graphic for whom he is also preparing an adaptation of Malaherba, the successful novel by Manuel Jabois.

He has also illustrated many  children’s books for Santillana, SM, La Galera, Cruïlla, Bromera, among others.

Since 2004 he has been a member of the “Tueldús” tandem (together with the journalist Ferran Aguiló), drawing the daily strip Vuits i Nous for local newspaper Última Hora of the Balearic Islands.


